Run: Tempo Previous Next


12:50 PM

3.7 mi


6:50 mi


-3 C
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Don Trail


Wanted to do a tempo even though legs weren't feeling the greatest. Decided to go to Don Trail as there was about an inch of hard packed snow and it was sheltered from the wind. There were crosswind gusts at time but not terribly bad. The snow wasn't slippery but did have to be careful on the bridge and down to the tunnel. Goal was to do around 4:20 pace, wanted to keep it relaxed and controlled. The first couple of kms felt pretty good but after the turn around I noticed some fatigue setting in. With about a mile to go my legs were feeling really heavy and muscles getting sore as obviously the snow was taking its toll. Wasn't completely spent by the end but it definitely felt like a hard effort. Pleased with result.
