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1:52 PM

4.5 mi


6:47 mi


164 bpm
204 bpm


21 C
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One of those days where the humidity was suffocating. Dew point around 19 and despite only being 21 it may have been warmer closer to the water. Started off the first rep quite quick and actually felt pretty relaxed. However I didn't recover well due to the humidity so I knew I was in trouble. There was some wind mostly from the south and a bit from the east so I felt it most in the last 200m of the even reps and a bit in the second half of the odd reps.

Really wanted to quit after 4 reps as my pace was slowing quite considerably. I did take the 3rd and 4th reps slow as I knew I was in trouble after the first 2. Did fight it out to the end and hit an ok split on the last rep without looking at my watch.

Average 3:48.6 so quite a bit slower than 2 weeks go. Achilles was also aching throughout. Cadence was quite high but I just couldn't generate any power in my stride.
