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2:30 PM


146.2 lb
  • Exercises


Sill quite bloated. Focused on cluster sets for bench press at 135lbs capping at 8 reps. Sets consisted of lift + 20 second rest + lift + 20 second rest + lift without going to failure. Did floor press for the first time, really feels like a full body movement as quads and glutes need to contract to get weight up. Also good for working on the lock out. Still feeling a little lethargic after the last few days of excessive eating/drinking. Worked on paused squats trying to hold for 3 seconds, right quad was especially tight. Still having problems coming out of the hole as I want to lean forward.

Bench Press - 1x(8+8+8) x 135, 1x(8+8+6) x 135, 1x(8+7+5) x 135

Floor Press - 1x8x95,1x8x115, 2x5x135

Front Raises - 3x8x22.5

Side Raises - 3x8x20

Cable Delts - 3x12x10

Paused Squats - 3x4x65, 1x2x85, 1x3x85
