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1:00 PM


145.4 lb
  • Exercises


Left calf is pretty destroyed, feels like a calf heart attack. Odd that it felt worse this morning than after the run yesterday. Pushed too much by trying sumos along with some good mornings with the bar and now my ischial tuberosity is quite sore. Sumos looked better than last time at 265 but still feel like I'm starting too far forward and not engaging my glutes/hamstrings enough. Was definitely sitting back more at 185 when form was spot on. Nee to really work on thrusting into the bar and dragging the weight up my shins rather than pitching forward and relying on quads and back. The ischial problem is definitely hampering me at this point. Squats went ok but I was feeling a little tired. Depth and form at 175 similar to last time, just need to focus on keeping chest up and not caving forward.

Squats - 1x5x95, 1x3x115, 1x3x135, 1x3x145, 2x3x155, 1x3x165, 1x3x175, 1x3x135

Sumo Deadlifts - 1x8x135, 1x5x185, 1x5x225, 1x3x245, 1x3x265

Good Mornings - 3x10x45

Pull Ups - 1x5x30, 1x5x45, 1x4x60, 1x5x45, 1x5x30

Lat Pulldowns - 3x8x100
