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1:00 PM


150.4 lb
  • Exercises


Some glute and hamstring DOMs from yesterday which was a bit of a surprise. Overhead press went real well, continued with the pausing at the bottom and was really able to generate a lot of power by squeezing quads and glutes. Squats went ok, not as much knee pain as last week, felt pretty solid up to 135 pausing the 1st rep in all sets. Then did 8 at 145 with no pauses and this just felt really heavy, felt like my form was falling apart as I didn't trust the bounce out of the hole. Bench press went ok, first set was a little rough but at least made it through with no pausing. The weight did feel quite heavy though.

Overhead Press - 1x5x65, 1x5x75, 1x3x90, 1x3x100, 1x5x110

Squats - 1x5x95, 1x3x115, 1x3x125, 1x3x135, 1x8x145

Bench Press - 1x5x135, 1x3x155, 3x6x175

Front DB Raises - 3x8x25

Lateral DB Raises - 3x8x20

Rear Delt Pec Machine - 4 sets
