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1:00 PM


145.8 lb
  • Exercises


Bench Press not bad today, 185 felt real good, had a solid set up but 205 was just really heavy and didn't feel as solid. Went for a 3rd rep without pausing and got it with some butt lift. Decided to max out and hit 215 and 220 (just over 1.5x bodyweight) with some grind and some butt lift.

Bench Press - 1x5x95, 1x5x115, 1x5x165, 1x3x185, 1x3x205, 1x1x215, 1x1x220

Incline DB Press - 3x12x55, 1x10x55

Dips - 1x12x45, 3x10x45

DB Flys - 4x10x45

Bar Pressdowns - 2x16x50, 2x12x50
