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1:30 PM


144.6 lb
  • Exercises


Started 5/3/1 for squats, decided to use about 170lbs as max and 10 pound increments so today was 5 reps at 125, 135, 145. 145 felt very uneven, depth not too sure, some reps better than others, squeezed out 8 for AMRAP, got very tired at end.

Squats - 1x5x95, 1x3x115, 1x5x125, 1x5x135, 1x8x145

Face Pulls - 3x12x42.5 (done with squats)

Push Press - 1x10x75, 1x10x85, 1x10x95

Leg Press - 3x6x180 (full ROM on most reps, last couple of reps very hard)

Leg Raises - 2x8, 2x6 (done with leg press, really focused on control)

Russian Dips - 2x6x20, 1x5x20
