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1:30 PM

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  • Exercises


Really crappy chest workout, lacking energy as I stopped taking creatine on Saturday and have dropped my calories a bit the last 2 days. 135 just felt heavy from the start. Did the same cluster sets I was doing before pump'n'run in January 2016. Back then at 135 I hit 10-10-7, 10-8-6, and 10-6-4 with 20 seconds rest in between each mini set. Today I was able to max out the first cluster set but had nothing for the next 2.

Bench Press - 1x(10-10-10)x135, 1x(10-8-5)x135, 1x(10-6-3)x135

DB Incline Press - 2x10x55, 2x8x55

Dips - 4x10x25

Cable Flys + Bar Pressdowns - 4 sets
