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5:15 PM



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  • Exercises


I felt awful! I was a little hungry when I got to the gym but figured it would subside soon. Not sure if that was the cause or if I was just out of shape from not having gone to class in a few weeks. I felt dizzy, a little light headed and generally struggled a ton during each exercise. We started out with a lot of squats and lunges off the step that made me just feel like walking out. I drank water, hoping that would help but it didn't. During chest exercises I even switched down to 5lb weights (for which, of course, I was yelled at! ha) but I was still struggling so much. I took a quick break and went down to the locker room to sit for a minute, still felt a bit dizzy but went back up and finished the last 10-15 minutes of class.

I definitely need to make sure I have a quick snack before the gym, and also need to work on staying hydrated even without a race on the horizon. Yikes, I'm hoping this week will be better!
