Run: Easy Previous Next


5:43 PM

5.1 mi


9:35 mi


219 lb


55 F
  • Map

Random Route


Overall I felt GREAT this run. Had a decent nights sleep and at to much during the day... the only thing that bothered me was my right leg. Was stiff until about mile 3 and felt some tugging on the inside of my right calf. When I saw I ran the first mile in 10:01 I was surprised. Breathing was easy and it didn't feel like I was pushing it.

After seeing that I pushed a little more and became comfortable again. I thought I slowed down but mile 2 was 9:45. Each mile was faster and faster. Mile 5 was the fastest with 9:22.

I'm going to try stretching my right leg before the run tomorrow to see if that helps.

I need to stop eating JUNK during the day!
