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7:02 AM

13.1 mi


7:25 mi


145.6 lb


38 F


9 / 10
5 / 10

Race Result

20 / 512 (3.9%)
3 / 28 (10.7%)
18 / 240 (7.5%)
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I guess I gave this one all I had in an attempt to run all splits as close to 7:20/mi as I could. Nice early miles (first 6 of 7) but deteriorated after that and couldn't maintain pace. FB excerpts: "There is an entire string of profanity I wish to type out in ALL CAPS on my Facebook timeline. I will not. I will just utter it under my breath for the next couple hours until I make peace with my performance this morning.I missed my PR by... 4 seconds. 4 ridiculously stupid and totally unnecessary seconds. I was pushing pretty hard in the last mile and in addition to having lost all feeling in my extremities, I was feeling lightheaded and mildly disoriented so I walked a bit on the last hill to get my heart rate down. That was the difference. The fact is it was poor time and technology management. My fingers were too numb to successfully page from the VR screen to the overall time screen on my Garmin. And I just assumed I was on track for a smaller PR than I was shooting for (10-15 seconds vs. 1 minute or so), but a PR nonetheless."
