Run: Race Previous Next


7:30 AM

26.2 mi


8:51 mi


185 lb


84 F


10 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

127 / 1035 (12.3%)


Where do I begin?

Started out behind 7:38 pace group and was looking to run 1st 2 miles in 7:45 each. Accomplished that and took 1 min walk break at first water stop. Continued to do that until mile 15. Was right behind 8:01 pace group and feeling o.k., but really started feeling the heat and sun. Started taking 30 to 1 min walk breaks intermittanly throughout the rest of the race. Constant dousing with water, and drinking water and powerade. Took first gel at 1 hr mark and another at 2 hr mark. Didn't bother with the third, wasn't sure if it would make me sick with the heat.

The fun began at mile 23. The heat was miserable. Had to slow considerably, and went into survival mode. Didn't care about the PR at that point, just finish. Alternated running and walking.

At mile 24.5 or so, started walking for a mile or so. Finally talked my near cramping legs to run the last .2 of the marathon.

Happy about fighting through the heat, a little disappointed with the finishing time.

Happy about knowing when to slow things down, and not trying to push myself to a heat stroke. A couple of years ago I would have been dumb enough to do that.
