Run: Easy Previous Next


3.4 mi


7:22 mi

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<No name>


Did an easy 25 minutes like Steen told me to. I ran outside with some of the older guys and Andres. A lot of the other guys ran inside, but it wasn't t that bad outside so we just did our run out there. When we finished our run, we went inside to do our 30s with a 3 minute jog in-between and a 1 mile jog after halfway. Once we finished our 30s, we did our 10 strides and then got through bench and pushups and pull-ups before having to leave. I did some squats and lunges once I got home and then did some curls with a 10 pound weight at my house(I usually do 20-25 Lb weights, but that is all I have). Overall, I felt great today and can't wait for 1200s tomorrow.
