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14.5 mi


6:54 mi


8 / 10
6 / 10
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<No name>


Ran 14.5 miles today with Andres and some of the older guys. We started off at a decent pace, and I felt fine for most of the run. We did the half marathon loop and then tacked on, which was cool. I felt good until we got to whalon lake, I got a bit of a cramp, but after a mile or so it went away. After we got back to knoch, we tacked on, but we also did a pickup, so I could barely stay with them. After we finished, we did our 10 strides and then we all went home. I did the p90x chest and back workout at home, and then I also did some stretching and hip work since I'm kind of sore. Overall, today was a hard workout, but I'm glad that I was able to finish it. On the calendar, Coach asked us to "give our why" and kind of give a reason for running. For me, I run for several reasons, I run to become a better runner (obviously) but I also run because I want to stay healthy and I enjoy it as well. I'm really glad that I found running, and just want to keep on working hard and getting better, both as a runner and as a person.



You hung on which we all love to see. You and Andres keep proving yourselves and it’s awesome.

Ethan Lockwood

You are on a path to greatness!

Paul Vandersteen

Great run! Glad you enjoy running and what it gives back.