Run: Easy Previous Next


5.5 mi


7:14 mi


5 / 10
7 / 10
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<No name>


-Ran an easy 5.53 miles this evening with Andres, that morning run definitely loosened up my legs a lot and I felt really good.

-I enjoy doing 2-a-days because I feel like I get a better workout in after a morning shakeout and it allows me to get higher mileage without doing a long run everyday.

-I need to find some new routes since Andres and I have done pretty much all of the routes near us.

-I thought quite a bit about that video that coach posted about the Stockdale paradox, and I found it very interesting. I think it is kind of based on the fact that optimists look at hard-times as a short period of time that they can manage, but by trying to stay positive all the time, they are just setting themselves up for disappointment. Whereas, if you simply embrace the pain and realize that you are in this for the long-haul, you will be better mentally prepared and, therefore, more resilient. I feel like this is something that could really help us during our training, instead of, for example, looking at a long-run as "oh, it hurts now, but I'll be fine later" We should just accept the pain and tell ourselves "look, this hurts a lot, and it will not get any better from here, but I need to do this if I am going to get better."
