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7:00 AM

13.1 mi


8:28 mi


175 lb


9 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

Random Route


Got up around 5:00 AM. Met my running partner, Jim, at my house and we drove down together from there, left around 5:30 and got to the race pretty early, about 40 minutes before the start. I followed what is now my regular pre-race routine. A banana, one cup of coffee and some gatorade.

We started in the 1:45 - 1:59 corral but as the race got near, everyone pushed up to the start putting us right near the front of it. Our goal pace was around 1:55 but we planned to see how things went to see if we'd stay together the whole way. I had the Garmin so I was helping Jim to pace his first HM. Perfect weather, about 60F at the start.

Mile 1 - 8:41 (HR 147)

Mile 2 - 8:23 (HR 154)

Mile 3 - 8:15 (HR 163)

First couple of miles are mostly gentle downhill. In the middle of mile 3, I had to take a nature break and Jim ran ahead promising to go slow until I caught up. He didn't exactly slow down so I had to really push it early to catch back up with him. Pushed my HR up to 175, way higher than I wanted. Ended up with a pretty severe stitch and managed to hold pace as we hit some unexpectedly steep short hills into mile 4.

Mile 4 - 8:32 (HR 157)

Mile 5 - 8:29 (HR 156)

By the end of mile 5, I had recovered from the sprint to catch up with Jim. Miles 5 through 9 were through old town, along the river, very flat. My lack of miles was starting to catch up with me though and my HR continued to climb. I ignored it for the most part. Consistent pacing.

Mile 6 - 8:34 (HR 160)

Mile 7 - 8:25 (HR 161)

Mile 8 - 8:24 (HR 162)

Mile 9 - 8:30 (HR 165)

Mile 10 - 8:26 (HR 167) Reaching 90% HR Max

Hills started at Mile 11. Steep and long. Quite a few walkers. I pulled away from Jim at this point after holding him back for the first part of the race.

Mile 11 - 8:43 (HR 171)

Mile 12 - 8:47 (HR 173)

By the start of Mile 13, it becomes flat with a very modest incline.

Mile 13 - 7:55 (HR 177)

Final garmin time - 1:50:48
