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5:00 PM


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  • Exercises


Arm Day:

Did the Dalton Martin arm day

- Alternating Dumbbell Curl - 3x8 (20 Ibs) / Superset with Shoulder Press - 3x10 (20 Ibs)

- Twist Curls - 4x12 (15 Ibs)

- Hammer Curls - 3x10 (15 Ibs) / Superset with Lateral Raises - 3x10 (10 Ibs)

- Preacher Curls - 3x10 (15 Ibs) with a forearm burner at the end of each set

- Single Arm Cable Curls - 3x10 (10 Ibs) / Superset with Single Arm Cable Raise 3x10 (5 Ibs)

- Plate curls (35 Ibs) with Shoulder Press Machine (50 Ibs each arm) - 3x10

- Tricep pull down (25 Ibs) with under grip and over grip - 3x12
