Elliptical: Default Previous Next


4:20 PM



168 bpm
195 bpm
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Another solid elliptical workout, hopefully almost done with these. The Dr says I can come back to running next Monday, so I'll meet with Chapman and set up a schedule to ease back into it. Excited for the future, will always work hard no matter what life throws at me.

Workout went 5 min warmup, 7 min T, 20 min Carpenter (1 on, 1 off) and a 5 min cool down. Worked very hard on the ons, as you can see by the splits and average heart rate. Really just hoping to get as much out of this so when I do start running I'm not totally behind.

Did a monster after this like usual, but I felt that my effort was at a higher level then usual. Great day!


Erin Phelan

I absolutely love your attitude. This sounds super cliche, but an attitude like that will take you very far in life. Keep up the good work!