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4:27 PM

21 mi


18.02 mi / hr


148 bpm
183 bpm
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Overall was a very solid bike workout, very tough though. It was tough to get my heart rate up without pushing my legs to their burning point. Workout was 20 x 2 on 1 off. Added a 10 minute warmup as well. Every on rep the heart rate got up to 170 with a few towards the end pushing above 180. Lot of sweat produced during this workout. Was able to get a lot out of it even though I hated every second of it, but then again, I loved it. Just need to keep working hard til I get healthy and then I can be out there running fast rhythmic tempos with the boys! Loved all the fist bumps I got from my teammates as they came in from there runs! Hopefully will get some answers this weekend.


Clare Dave

If cross training sucks, then you're probably doing it right :) Great job today Connor! Being injured sucks, not being able to run sucks, and not being able to run with the team sucks even more. But! If you talk to anyone that has had a longer term injury where they couldn't run for awhile, they'll tell you that they became stronger because of it. Physically stronger because, like you saw today, XT is fricken hard. And mentally stronger because it's a reminder of how much of a gift running is

Clare Dave

(Mattie Heinzman says hi and he loves you) (and his computer is dead which is why I'm typing this for him) (also he never learned how to read or write)

No matter what answers you find out, you're one tough dude and you will get through this