Run: Easy Previous Next


6:30 PM

3.5 mi


9:50 mi


177 bpm
178 bpm
60 bpm


69 F


6 / 10
6 / 10


I can walk at the end of my run today so that's good news. The bad news is that my feet felt the same way and I think if I did any significant distance I would be in the same pain I was in on Sunday. It feels like my feet are sliding around inside my shoe and the arch of my foot is banging into the post on the shoe most of the time. I tried tying my laces tighter and using the loop trick but my foot just goes numb. My next step is to try to find some kind of running socks that have some sort of grip on the bottom so my foot won't slide around as much. I am pretty sure the orthodic is causing my foot to slide around since I don't really feel it when i have the regular sole in the shoe. I tried running with the regular sole but that caused pain in my legs. Ahhhh! This is really starting to frustrate me as the reason I stopped running after the marathon was because of the stress fracture and I feel like this is going to lead to a similar injury. If the grip socks don't work I'm going back to Princeton Running Company again this Friday to get all my questions answered. I feel like I'm running with cinder blocks on my feet!

Anyway, the run overall was fine except for the 30lb weights I'm carrying on my feet. My HR was elevated most of the run but I didn't really huff and puff at all. I'll take it easy on the treadmill in TN the next couple of days and try to get to the shoe store on Friday.



Ugh! That's so frustrating, I'm sorry. I think going back to Princeton is your best bet. If that doesn't work maybe back to a different sports doctor? I don't know. It sounds like other things ate improving for you, do it sucks that your shoe situation is holding you back :(


Dang feet! That has to be frustrating for sure. Maybe go back to the pros, or see a specialist like D said. Just take it easy though...definitely do not want any stress fractures.