Run: Easy Previous Next


8:39 PM

4 mi


10:52 mi


201.8 lb


93 F


5 / 10
9 / 10
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Canal Short


Planned Workout: 4 miles easy

Actual Workout: 4 miles easy

Temp: 84

Dew Point: 77

Humidity: 79%

Heat Index: 93

I went back and forth on what workout to do tonight. I must have changed my mind a dozen times. I haven't had a day off since my race, and although I feel great physically, mentally I was feeling a little off. The fact that it was once again very humid (dew point of 77 again), helped make my decision. I needed to run just to get out of the house. I mean running IS very much a mental and spiritual exercise for me as well. So I decided to take a day off, but not really. :) I'll restructure things the next few days to get both a threshold run and a long run in. The great thing about this training block is that I haven't been a slave to my training schedule, but have been training based on how I feel each day. BUT...I'm still getting all my scheduled workouts in each week, even if I have to move them forward or back. This has been working well. However, as my mileage and intensity increase in the next couple of weeks, I may have less flexiblity. But it will also be cooler and weather will become less of a factor. I felt great tonight. Fantastic even. I was tempted to change things on the fly, but I kept last night in mind and was glad I just kept it easy. When the heat index is this high, things can get bad VERY quickly. But it was encouraging to feel strong and I think my threshold run will go well.
