Run: Long/Progression Previous Next


8:40 PM

9 mi


11:09 mi


205.5 lb


92 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
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Planned Workout: Long + Progression: 9 miles easy (last 20 min. moderate, uphill , if possible)

Actual Workout: Long + Progression: 9 miles easy (last 20 min. moderate, partially uphill)

Temp: 85

Dew Point: 74

Humidity: 69%

Heat Index: 92

A VERY steamy run. When the heat index is still in the 90's at 10:00 at night, it's hot out. Very happy with how this run went. I didn't get a long run in last weekend and am racing this weekend, so I wanted to run long sometime this week. I knew right away after the first mile that it could suck. My pace was VERY slow and I didn't really feel all that great for the middle section of the run. However, after stopping at the water fountain at Ben T. Davis beach and refilling my water bottle and pouring some water on my self to cool down, I kind of caught a second wind. This run reinforced what I've always know about training in Florida in the summer: keep your expectations in check, slow down, run off of effort rather than pace. stay hydrated and realize that even if the numbers don't look sexy on the Garmin, that you are still getting a great workout in. In other words: embrace the conditions. I thought about that a lot during the run. How I need to start embracing the fact that I have the advantage of training in such heat for 6 months out of the year. Given the physiological effects it produces, I should be grateful. Who wouldn't want to train at altitude half the year? My mental game was sharp tonight, I worked through the low spot and executed the workout. I was actually surprised at how good at felt at the end of the run. Maybe all these progressions are paying off. I charged up the bridge and finished strong. This is one of those runs that doesn't look like much, but was actually a manmaker. I felt like crap and pushed through and delivered at the end. That's what I'll be looking to do on race day. So this was great practice at that.
