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1:30 PM

2 mi


ASICS (2160)


47 F
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<No name>


I'm not really sure what is going on. After the long run yesterday I came home and napped for 3 hours. I thought it was just from being tired from the running load this week but then after I got up I just felt horrible... nausious, head ache just overall felt like blah. Fell asleep again around ten in the guest bedroom while Roland was playing tetris for 2 hours and felt even worse when he woke me up to go to bed. Then today I was still feeling queasy and had a horrible headache. I had plenty of sleep yesterday obviously but when I got home from church and brunch I was laying on the bed and I fell asleep in like 2 minutes! Thankfully Roland woke me up to go walk the dog or I prob. would've slept all day again! Maybe I'm coming down with something? Not really sure but I hope I feel better soon and stop wanting to sleep all day! My neck was hurting really bad yesterday and today too because Dr. D. tried cracking it Friday and it didn't crack and I think he just made it hurt instead :-\

ANYWAY.. so I only ran 2 minutes because I felt like garbage. Hamstring was a it tight and glute as well when I got started.
