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6:30 PM

2 mi


92 F
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<No name>


Did a little over 2 miles with Roland just to test the hammy/butt out like Dr. D wanted me to.. and just as expected it still hurts of couse. It didn't hurt that bad at the start but after a couple minutes my hamstring started tightening up and the tightness moved down the leg as I went on. It felt like all the pain and tightness was mainly just in the hamstring and not really in the glute.. it is hard to tell sometimes since it hurts really high up in the hammy it is hard to tell if it is all hammy or a little bit in the lower glute as well.

So this run leave sme really frustrated.. I knew it was still going to hurt since it hurts when I'm not running but it was hurting less when I'm not running so I was hoping there was as much paina nd tightness but the hamstring tightness was a lot worse than I expected.. Hopefully more time off will help but I'm just getting really frustrated as I am not a happy person when I'm not running :-\
