Run: Warm up Previous Next


6:00 PM

1.5 mi


ASICS (2160)

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<No name>


So I wasn't sure this was going to go because I had a bit of an accident before heading to the meet :-\ It was raining when I was leaving for the meet so I was running out the door to get to my car. Well there are these wooden things on the side of our stairs and my foot hit the very slippery wet wood and I went flying and came down HARD on my right side crashing on my hip and elbow. I think my elbow actually took the brunt of the fall because my hands were full of stuff so I couldn't put my hands out to break the fall. So my arm, hip and side of my leg were all ripped up but my arm was killing afterward. I was just hoping my hip didn't start hurting too but by the time I warmed up I didn't feel anything thank goodness. My elbow was still hurting but who needs an elbow!? My legs felt really good on the warm up though.

Also, there is this little old man that I remember seeing at all of our meets in college.. I'm not sure who he is but he would always come watch the meets and he stopped me on the warm up and said "You're Griffin right?" then was asking me what I was doing now, said I looked good and said "I remember you, you were great!" :) So that made me smile.. that this little old man remembered who I was and thinks I'm great :) haha
