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6:30 AM

10.5 mi


ASICS (2160)


24 F
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<No name>


Long run with NCC... not too excited about this since by the time I got home from the meet, got some food, took a shower, messed around on the computer (since I need time to wind down and can't go straight to bed when I come home from meets for some reason) it was 1am.. so with only 5 hours of sleep and really tired legs I was not feeling great this morning. My legs were pretty tired from the start and progressively got worse throughout the run. At about 55 minutes I just wanted this run to be over! I was starving and sooo thirsty and legs just felt like crap. We finally made it back to school and all I wanted was a hot shower, some food, a nap and some chocolate milk for some reason. I got all of those things except the chocolate milk :-\

Hamstring/glute/hip weren't very tight so that was nice but surprising wince I thought they would be rocked after the two races last night.. usually it's two days after though that I really feel it so we'll see what happens tomorrow. Otherwise my legs are just really sore so hopefully an easy easy easy run tomorrow will help a bit.
