Run: Building Previous Next


3.5 mi


8:49 mi


82 F


First day of XC practice!! woohoo which I knew meant running farther than I've ran in quite some time... and this route has a huge hill so that made things even worse. Felt ok through a mile and a half or so.. I think we hit the mile a little over 8 minutes.. Was running with Gummerson and Lundo. Died on the hill which is right at 2 miles but that's expected since I have barely ran let alone up any inclines. Lundo pulled away at the top of the hill.. more like I died.. and Gummerson was dying worse. Last mile a half was a survival shuffle.. Don't wanna know how slow it was. Considered walking with about a mile to go because my lungs were burning so bad and my legs were worthless but Gummerson was behind me and that's the only thing that kept me from walking because I didn't want anyone to see :) Rough day but glad I made it that far and I'll get there eventually!
