Run: STUPID! Previous Next


8:45 AM

7.5 mi


ASICS (2160)


40 F
  • Map

<No name>


Well well well.. Did this run with Roland.. supposed to be a long run. I was just going to plan on going an hour then if I felt ok I was going to add on to make it 10 miles. Well, Roland likes to run his long runs like his races in college.. aka.. go out to hard then proceed to die and run slower the rest of the run. Clearly I just finished racing a 10k about 12 hours prior to this run so needless to say I felt like ass. So we head out and hit the first mile in 7:51 which I'm aware is really slow but my legs felt like garbage and I always start off slower and really don't care what my time is! Well apparently Roland did... so then he proceeded to drop the next mile drastically. I felt even worse, he was a couple steps ahead of me, I asked what that mile was and he says "Don't worry about it" because he didn't want me to know how fast we ran! So then he tells me we dropped to 7:04! So I was pissed. It's one thing if we are out for a run and he feels good and wants to pick it up a few miles in but there is no need to run drop to a 7:04 when I knew he would just slow down like we did last week! We were running a certain route (that of course I dont know where it goes) and I wasn't wearing my watch because I knew Roland would have his and didn't think I needed it. So if I had one I would've just said see ya and ran by myself but I would've had no idea how long I was running, etc. So I just said go ahead and I'll try to keep you in my sights so I know where I'm going.

So I was just angry the rest of the run because I felt like garbage and there was no need to do that when I knew we were going to slow down. So, Roland proceeded to run the rest of the run about 10 meters ahead of me but clearly running the same pace but trying not to let me catch back up so I can say TOLD YOU SO that he was going to die. Then he stops at a a porta potty.. uggh so I woulda kept going but didn;t know the run.. waited around for a few minutes then got even more pissed.. and just took off without telling him mwahahah and ran straight home and didn;'t really care where the run was supposed to go. The run ended up being like 7.44 but I went a little different way on the way home to try and not run up the huge hill because I felt so bad so it was prob. close to 7.5 and not really a long run but I didn't really care at that point I just wanted to be done!!

So, really no need for such a long story but I was angry at Roland and want to document his stupidity :)
