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11:15 AM

4 mi


80 F
  • Map

<No name>


OMG.. it really is Friday the 13th.... I planned on doing at least 45 since I needed to get some longer running in. I went out to Herrick Lake to get a change of scenery and that ended up being a waste of time as things went downhill quickly and I could only make it 30 minutes. Ever since my Grave's Disease kicked in, whenever it's that time of the month, the first day I end up near passing out. I've spent a couple days on the bathroom floor wanting to die. I started off the run feeling alright, legs weren't that heavy consdering I raced last night. Then all of the sudden about 15 minutes in I started getting really dizzy, had horrible cramps and couldn't pick up my legs. It didn't help that it was already 80 degrees and really humid. Usually I can just finish the run albeit rather slow but when this happens I literally cannot keep running. I stayed close to the car once I started feeling like this since I didn't want to get out too far because I have had a walk home before when this happens. So I shuffled for about 15 more minutes and then just had to stop. I was so dizzy and lightheaded and felt like I was going to faint. I hate it when this happens because I just have to cut it short.. grrr my mileage already sucks this week! The only good news is that my butt didn't really hurt at all.. and my hammy only hurt on the inside again closer to the groin and didn't really get any worse as the run went on so that was good.
