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1:05 PM

11.8 mi


15.09 mi / hr


61 F
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<No name>


Good VOz max workout. 14 minute warmup at 154 average (was feeling a little chilly),3x4 minutes essentially all-out with 2 minutes rests. They hurt really bad, and I had to really dig to keep the HR high. I noticed that my HR shot up to almost 190 extremely quickly (within 30 seconds) but it took the rest of the time to get it to slowly creep toward 200. The first one I averaged 190 on, 2 minute rest,averaged 173 (descended to close to 150), number 2 averaged 193 on, rest averaged 177, third one averaged 195, hitting 203 in the last ten seconds. 203 is supposed to be my absolute max. I noticed that HR gets gradually higher throughout the workout, so I probably need more reps when I get used to this type of work. Perhaps a little less intense too. To finish off I did a 16:52 CD averaging 152. Was glad to be done with this hard work. I need to make VO2 max training a bigger part of workouts. I hardly ever hit it when I'm running. Maybe I can do more now that I'm on the bike. All in all good session, very tired. Considering some pool running later...
