Run: Long Previous Next


10:30 AM

8.2 mi


7:29 mi


45 F
  • Map

Rail Trail


Great run with Tim Clarke, just like the old days! Chilly to start but warmed up of course. I took it easy to go with him. I hit the 30 minute turn around in 32 minutes, and came back in 29:19. Just notched it down subtly the last 10 minutes and gapped him a bit. I felt soooo good! Probably because the pace was slow, but that's alright. GPS said 7.71 but I'm calling it 8.2 because the turnaround spot is a bit more than 4 miles. Such a good day. 32 miles for the week with a pool run included, gonna bike tomorrow and possibly later today. I'm not even tired right now as I write this. Tim thinks I can run near 4 in the mile and sub-14 in the 5k. That's accurate. Feeling fantastic. Shin is fine. Let's go!
