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10:15 AM

7.4 mi


6:58 mi


55 F
  • Map

Resevoir #6


Solo run at the Res after watching the Hartford half for a bit. Pretty hungover. My shin was fine and my calves felt better as I wore the compression sleeves the night before. I went out in 7:23, then all the rest were between 6:43 and 6:58. Harder effort than it should have been. I told myself before it that I was going to do 7:30s but I kind of couldn't control myself. The GPS definitely makes me want to run harder. But I did find that this loop is longer than I thought (Hunter told me it was 7.2 last time and it probably is, but the extra little access road probably makes it longer) assuming my Garmin is accurate. Cracked 7 minute pace on a run #savage. I'm down 25 pounds (from the summer) to 138 after my run (so probably a legit 141ish with water.) It was a beautiful morning and hilarious how empty it was. The entire Hartford metropolitan running community was busy at the marathon. Good day for me, gonna take my runs easier next week and cross train tomorrow probs.
