Run: Easy Previous Next


1:45 PM

5.5 mi


7:39 mi


73 F
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Nice solo run. Didn't feel too great on the way out, but much better on the way back. Just a little tired, but solid. Did a few loops around the XC course at Elizabeth Park and thus got in some decent undulation, compared to usual out here. I'm still marveling at how yesterday's workout seemed to occur in a different time dimension. It was as if no time passed at all. I was questioning afterwards "Did I really do 5x800 and hit 6.5 miles total?" but I did. I guess doing it with Josh made it go by so fast. Hit 3x20 second strides on the soccer field (turf.) Surface is blazing fast and I may start doing all of my strides there. Worked on form. I'm happy with how training is going, and looking forward to a nice Saturday morning run with Hunter tomorrow.
