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3:45 PM


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Good workout in Springfield as usual. Got up there a little late as I chatted with the XC team, then drove fast and didn't waste any time in the pool. 72 minutes right up until 4:57, even though I had to be back at the high school at 5:30. Somehow the drying off, change of clothes, walk to car, drive back, and walk to the high school only took me 31 minutes. That's impressive, and no I wasn't even speeding. Anways, I had a great workout. 15 minute warm up, then intense VO2 max/5k session. 5x5 minutes HARD with only two minute easy jogs in between. Basically the equivalent of 5x1 mile on the track at 5k (5:00) pace with only a 400 jog rest in between. Brutal workout. Easy for a few minutes after I was done, then got out, went to the bathroom, got back in, went easy for a few more minutes, did another intense 5 minute workout. 4x15 second all out sprints with one minute easy jog in between. Not enough recovery I guess because I had a lot of lactic acid building up. Not the "pure" sprint workout I was exactly looking for, but that type of workout still has a purpose. I'm gonna start doing 8 second sprints with long rest in addition to my normal workouts now.
