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9:30 AM

9.8 mi


7:03 mi


70 F
  • Map

Rail Trail


This was a great run. We had more guys along than I expected there to be. Ferenc, Fyffe, Greg Hammett, Coach, Clarke, Jonesy, Punger, Collin, Willie, William, Anna, and me. This was Supposedly an exact ten miler, but it took us 36:40 out 32:20 back. We went slow for about a mile, then started cruising. The weather was miserable. At this point, coach (who was doing eight today) was dropped. William had only been with us for about ten steps. Anna had had enough around two miles. Jonesy I think had some stomach problems, and he was well off the back as well by four miles. At that point, Collin went to the front and picked it up a bit. I ran alongside him inf front of the three fast guys. Clarke wasn't too happy about that! Everyone else hung though. I thought we were at the 5-mile turnaround, then Ferenc says "about 90 seconds to go". Four minutes later, we see it. That's why I'm calling it over ten. Everyone stopped to pee here, then Jonesy shows up. So we started on the way back, a little faster than before, but it's downhill. I was feeling really good here. Jonesy was gone in two minutes. Clarke said "I just got my four mile tempo in, I'll start my cool down now" and was dropped with Collin. We all figured Collin was done, due to the work he did on the way back. He and Clarke came back though. Punger got dropped somewhere here. I think he needed the bathroom. With three miles to go, Collin went to the front and pushed it pretty hard. Willie hung. Clarke was now truly done (still a great run for a 45 year old!). With 3/4 mile to go, I went to the front and pushed it under 6 minute pace. I was starting to really want it to be over, but I wasn't hurting at all. With less than a quarter to go, Collin TOOK OFF. I covered it easily, but the real good runners there wouldn't have it. No one really dug for a kick, but Ferenc rolled in, in front of everyone. I beat Collin though :) We covered over 5 miles on the way back in 32:20. Not too shabby for me, on an easy day. Coach, Anna, and William were already back. Clarke came in with Punger just a little later. Jonesy came in way later. Great day at work. Afterwards we went to the pancake house for a good time! EDIT: Almost six years later I am going back and fixing the distance here. It was in fact less than ten miles.
