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3:05 PM

6.5 mi


7:14 mi


Crazy Run w/ Jonesy, Punger, Willie, Collin, Anna, William, Russell, and part of it with Coach. I took the early lead but I wasn't really feeling it today. I still pulled away with Jonesy and Russell with me. Russell was kind of pissing me off, so I dropped back to run with Punger and Willie for a while. I was going to tell them about my plan to hammer if Russell was determined to run with the "leaders" in an easy practice run. Russell dropped back with me though, and we caught Jonesy and Collin on the dirt road downhill. I really wasn't feeling smooth today. We moved up the 91 ramp pretty steadily with me doing the pace-setting. Then Collin goes "feels like we slowed down" and takes off. At this point, Russell has been dropped pretty handily. Coach cuts us off and we stop for a minute to talk. Willie takes off and gets a huge gap in hurry. I was talking to John before we turned out onto the dirt road hill. I immediately took off, got within ten meters of Willie, felt my quads falling apart, and eased up. We ran together for a while. At the top, we still have a large lead on the other three. As I knew he would, Punger goes by us like a bullet on the downhill (a move I covered on this route last week). This time, Willie goes with him, and I decide to wait for Jonesy and Collin. We see William (who did an extra loop. Collin got a cramp and was dropped in a hurry. Me and Tim caught Punger about a half mile out. He was walking, and had to use the bathroom, in his words. We cruised in together, and then did the worst 6 strides of my life. I was so tired. Workout tomorrow, at least Ferenc is coming out to pace me.
