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3:50 PM

3.2 km


5:00 mi


72 F

Race Result

1 / 19 (5.3%)


I'm pleased with this race. I was just hoping to break 10, have it feel pretty easy, and get a good workout in. I traded off the lead with Finnigan for the first 1,600 which we covered in 5:04ish (75.9, 76.9, 78.2, 73.3.) I took the lead on that 73 and dropped him. I went solo for the next 1,600, needing about 4:55 (75.1, 75.0, 74.8, 66.6.) Felt pretty good and picked it up for that 66 (last 200 in 31-32.) I felt pretty smooth on it though. I definitely can go way faster, and could have kicked harder as well. I think I can break 9:40 next week, even on the double. Hopefully 4:23/9:38.
