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11:00 AM

25.7 mi


18.1 mi / hr


62 F
  • Map

<No name>


Hard solo ride. Tried to take it fairly relaxed towards Grafton. I think I had a tailwind and I got there in 25:19 IIRC. Hammered the hill and was 29:58 at the top, at 8 miles. The descent was not great, and the wind was killing me at the end of it. I turned into Chester, and for a few seconds felt like I was out of the wind, but then it ripped up again. The way back was torture. Hit the hour at 17.97 miles and just pushed into it the rest of the way. Actually took the climb pretty well, and was at 1:08:5x turning onto Pleasant Valley. I went hard on the climb and cranked hard the rest of the way. I was hurting really bad and battling such a vicious wind. I came down the hill by my house and had to slow down significantly because of traffic. This cost me the sub-1:25 I had been thinking of. But, I was still happy to get in such a hard effort and break my route record.
