Run: Easy Previous Next


2 mi


8:00 mi


80 F
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<No name>


Couldn't go to East Bay because my car is dead for no reason at all. So I did some loops around the neighborhood behind my apartment. Awful, contemptible area. But got the work in, standard 5 min walk, 8x2 minute run/2 minute walk, 5 minute walk. Achilles bugged me just a smidge, but I'm working on calf stretches and strengthening so it'll sort itself out. The roads generally irritate my Achilles and calves. Working on consciously improving my form, particularly on not crossing over and kicking back straight, so that my knee does not collapse into itself. That comes with glute/hip strength and stabilization, which I'm working hard at. I think there's already been a marginal improvement as my big toe callous didn't bother me today.
