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8:45 AM

3.2 mi


5:28 mi


66 F

Race Result

2 / 131 (1.5%)


Did 2x15 second strides to warm up. Good race. I was hoping for 17:40 or a little under, going through two miles in 11:40 or so and notching it down for a 5:20-ish last mile. Willie was out pretty quickly in 5:10 at the mile. I was 5:33 there, and 5:41 on my watch. I didn't feel too bad, but the sun was something to deal with. Morgan Brown was right on me. Corey Hill hurt pretty bad, but I still went hard down the other side. Morgan was still somewhat close to me at the intersection, but I dropped him in a hurry. I didn't unload a devastating move, but I sort of naturally pushed the pace down. It hurt really bad but I kept it going. Willie was pretty much out of sight as I just battled myself to push through the pain. I didn't dig for an all-out kick but I finished well. Eno, Larry, and Tim Clark were right at the three mile point. I covered my third mile in 5:17 and then ran 4:48 pace for the final .13 miles. It hurt bad. But I'm happy with it. There is debate about the length of the course. Last night I ran the course and my GPS said 3.11. During the race today it said 3.13. But on mapmyrun it says 3.19 miles. I'm just going to write 3.18 here. Willie won the race in 16:39, and Lindsay was 28:01. I ran back and jogged home with her. She'll do better next time. Great day! I'll be able to PR very soon.
