Run: Easy Previous Next


3:05 PM

6.4 mi


6:45 mi


Good run w/ Willie, Jonesy, Collin, and Punger. Didn't feel good for a while... Stomach was a little upset. Once I got warmed up, I felt pretty good. Everyone was making moves out there today! I went up the 91 ramp a little faster than the other guys were comfortable with, but we stayed together. When we came out on the dirt road, Collin immediately made a move up the dirt road hill. He was hammering. Only I went with him. I was hurting a little bit, but it was a good workout. I got a little ahead of him on the downhill (Which we were resting on) and then Punger went flying by! I waited a little while to see if he was serious, then I bridged the gap. We really hammered in from there, with me just hanging on. We worked all the hills, too. I finally caught him with about a quarter mile to go, went past him down the hill, then ran stride for stride with him. 6 strides.
