Run: Tempo Previous Next


9 mi


2 up

1 mi :30 on/:30 off - 5:50

short rest

2 mi 10:44 (2:37, 2:41, 2:44, 2:42) - 5:18/5:26 (turnaround at 1.5 miles)

1:24 rest

2 mi 10:47 (2:37,2:43, 2:42, 2:45) - 5:20/5:27

2 down

Felt ok, breathing good and relaxed, but legs didn't have that much spring, and felt heavy and tired at end. Was going to do another 1 mile tempo at end, but bailed on it. Don't want to push it. Got in a decent workout anyways. Wore racing flats to get in a workout in them before Marin.
