Run: Long Previous Next


10.4 mi


7:19 mi


78 F


I did my first long run of the marathon training process! and holy shit was it tough. literally. before I left my stomach felt fine but as soon as I started it began to disagree with running in general.

I had to shit at mile 3, couldn't find a bathroom and knowing that my original planned course is a bathroom desert for 5 miles, I had to deviate. I found my way to a porta potty at torrence and columbia. Went there. Then I continued via a usual 5 mile route down to river road. I turned to go east to add on some more and quickly found myself looking for another bathroom. I found it in the form of another porta potty. Went again there. Then the whole way back I was fighting the urge. At the very end of the run I was feeling good enough to add on some and ensure that I had hit my mileage. 7:20 pace isn't half bad but I got at least 4 2min rests in there because of searching for/going to the bathrooms...
