Run: Easy Previous Next


6.1 mi


7:33 mi


88 F


I was going to go 7 but I had a hard time motivating myself with temperatures where they were. 88? wtf Cincinnati, I left the house with a t-shirt on and I was comfortable until I got to KY, then it was heat city USA.

I am going to make sure to stretch a ton today because my back was quite tight by the end of the run :C



Stretching won't help the back, you need to hydrate more. The discs that act as shock absorbers in between your vertebrae only work well if they're fully hydrated. If not, they become thin and brittle and can't absorb the shock as well. So next time, just drink more water.


thank you for the tip! I'm sure I was dehydrated which did not help. I also strained my back though a week or so ago which probably didn't help. I am currently toeing the fine line between babying my back back to health and giving it tough love. I feel like a parent haha