Run: Interval Previous Next


9 mi


Ran a sweet workout: hurdle drills + campus loop warmup.

2 x (1200, 800, 400) at or faster than mile goal pace (4:28) with 200 rest in between the intervals and 400 inbetween the sets.

Ran with lane and hit 4:40 pace for most of the first set. The second was much slower (opened in a 3:57 1200) and got worse as it went because I had to stop 600 into my 800 with a huge cramp in my calf. The last 400 happened after about 2 minutes of stretching and was a mere 71....

Brian was not too disappointed with the workout but I thought that it was missing quite a lot. I icebathed after the workout in hopes of repairing my muscles faster

Also, I ran up and back to BBBS today adding a few more miles to the total distance.

Cooldown after the workout was a painful 800 with many stretching stops.
