Run: Interval Previous Next


5.5 mi


supposed to run: 500, 300, 150, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200 all at goal 800 m pace (58s 400s) all with the same rest as the interval. The run went well. My ankle (which I rolled on Friday really badly and have been resting up until today) felt pretty good. It is still swollen as shit but I think I will be able to race fairly well on Saturday... anywho, here's the real workout:

2 mile warmup + hurdles + 4 strides.

ran 1:14 (58 through 4), 44, 20.3, 28.8, 28.7, 29.3, 29.8, NA.

1 mile cooldown

My legs, though functional, were extremely tight from the days of non use and so I just skipped the last rep because my form was deteriorating fast. I ice-bathed afterwards in order to keep everything nimbly-bimbly.
