Bike: Easy Previous Next


30.5 mi


15.91 mi / hr


91 F
  • Map

Made Up!


Got lost. I went East on Erie, down murray to Wooster pike, then on the bike trail to kugler run to camargo. I was supposed to follow camargo back to erie but camargo turns to drake all of the sudden. I followed Drake to it's terminal face, spent a while trying to find out where to go at the end of the road. Then I got wrong information from a construction worker and instead of going back to Camargo I ended up going right on Indian Hill road and getting down to Wooster Pike. I added about 10 miles to my ride.

My watch says I averaged 16 mph but I think I was going faster than that, I just stopped a lot to give up and stuff. Seriously though, I had a race yesterday so getting lost was the last thing that my quads needed today. Oh well, I iced-bathed them and I will be swimming tomorrow so they'll get some much deserved rest...
