Bike: Race Previous Next


10.2 mi


23.66 mi / hr


85 F


Rode Cleves TT for the first time.

The race began with a start from the held position - that went better than I expected it would, I got off to a fast start and was able to hold the TT position from the get go. The initial uphills and rollers actually hit me a little harder than expected. I am still not sure exactly what it was about it, just felt like it was tougher to hold my desired pace then I wanted. I also am having a hard time remembering these early portions of the course, which is weird for me.

As things progressed I got passed by everyone who was behind me (I was seeded 13th of 17), they were all cruising much faster than me, which was a little disheartening. Stepping back now I realize that they are also mostly bike-specific people and I am a 3x a week rider/triathlete. But it still bums me out a little.

Once I got past the power station and white/green sign I was able to hold 24-25mph until the end so I am proud of that part of it. Moving forward I think I need to work on my FTP as well as simply knowing the course and race tactics better. Something I will have ample time to work on!
