Run: Long Previous Next


16.6 mi


7:17 mi


82 F


Start 8am @75 degrees

Finish 10am @ 82 degrees

No wind, humidity 71%, sunny

"Feels like 88"

Twas a tough run for sure! The time above includes 3 x 1 min water stops. I stopped at 8miles to get 3 gulps of water and a gu, then again at 13 for water (doors were locked at Lunken though) then finally at 15mi for 6 gulps or so. It was a lot of water at the end there but I was close to being done and I knew I was super dehydrated. I soaked my singlet and shorts clear through. I was dripping at the end of my run.

Feet feel sore but okay, arches ache. Left knee is a little sore as usual and back is tight. Otherwise I just feel really tired, probably because I used up my glycogen stores.

Anyway, I am happy with my run and I think this is a really good sign for the marathon!
