Run: Hill Previous Next


9.8 mi


ran 8 x hill tonight with rob, dom, todd, josh, and shane... Twas fun! it is cold and windy enough to really care about wearing pants tonight but everything worked out in the end...

My splits were:

1:34.9, 3:45, 1:34.5, 3:43, 1:35.1, 3:46, 1:33.7, 3:56, 1:35.1, 4:01, 1:33.5, 4:06, 1:34.2, 4:08, 1:33.5, cooldown.

averaged some pretty fast times and I am definitely happy with the workout. the rests only got over 4 min because we had to wait for people at the end too...

Warmup was 1200+saggyballs+hurdle drills. Cooldown was 11-12 minutes of jogging until my legs cramped up...
